Our early morning program is call Drop & Read. On years we are not in Covid restrictions it will be morning mile.
The program is free but requires registration with limited slots available.
Early Morning Program at Holston View
- Applications are available for K-5th grade students who are interested in an early morning program.
- Space is very limited due to operational procedures and social distancing measures.
- Please note that an application does not guarantee a spot. You will be notified if your child is eligible to attend.
- Our early morning program will change from Morning Mile to DROP & READ.
- The program will start at 6:50 and drop off will continue until 7:30.
- Please complete the application if you are interested in the program.
- Applications are due by August 28th with LEAPS starting on August 31st for the early morning program (We are not taking applications at this time for afternoon LEAPS).
- Application: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=iGJ5yjMCQkab3lpvwSru0K5SxXpMZ0dMiwAQSjbdOZNUNjY3TVhEMUhIOUdZM1NMT0IxME5UUkVKNS4u
Morning Mile is a FREE walking program starting at 7:05 daily. The goal is to walk/run to get exercise before school begins. Students can track laps to see how many miles the accumulate in a year. Each year we have several students reach up to 100 miles. Come join us every day for the MORNING MILE!
- Students should enter the gym door # 15.
- Parents please drop off at the curb.
- Please do NOT pull in the loading dock for drop off for student safety.
- Registration is NOT required to participate.
- If weather is warm the MORNING MILE will be held on the tennis courts.
- The program is open to students in K-6 grades.
- Students run/walk laps in the gym /tennis courts and keep track of the miles they run.
- Parents are welcome to walk with students.